obd ii 协议_如何设置自动Pro OBD-II适配器
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obd ii 协议

obd ii 协议

There are a ton of generic OBD-II adapters you can use to . However, one stands out above the rest.  does more than just pair with your phone over Bluetooth. It has its own GPS, 3G radio with 5 years of free service, plus OnStar-like Crash Alert. Here’s how to set yours up.

您可以使用大量的通用OBD-II适配器。 但是,有一个比其他人更突出。 不仅仅可以通过蓝牙与手机配对。 它拥有自己的GPS,3G无线电和5年免费服务,以及类似OnStar的崩溃警报。 这是设置您的方法。

Setting up an Automatic Pro is a little different than most other OBD-II adapters. If you’re not familiar with OBD-II adapters, you can . While you can get a basic adapter for as little as $20, . For that extra cost, though, you get a more advanced system that’s not dependent on your phone. It can track your car even if someone else is driving it, it can sync to your phone without Bluetooth, and it comes with a free Crash Alert system. If Automatic detects that you’re in a severe accident, it will call your phone and ask if you need emergency services and send them to your location.

设置自动Pro与大多数其他OBD-II适配器略有不同。 如果您不熟悉OBD-II适配器,则可以。 虽然您只需20美元即可获得基本适配器,而。 不过,您只需支付额外的费用,即可获得不依赖于手机的更高级的系统。 它可以跟踪您的汽车,即使有人在驾驶它,也可以在没有蓝牙的情况下同步到您的手机,并且带有免费的碰撞预警系统。 如果自动检测到您遇到了严重事故,它将呼叫您的电话并询问您是否需要紧急服务,并将其发送到您的位置。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

Before you get started with Automatic Pro, you’ll need a few things:

在开始使用Automatic Pro之前,您需要满足以下条件:

  • An  ($130): It should go without saying, but you’ll need the Automatic adapter for this. Automatic also sells , though it lacks 3G connectivity, Crash Alert, and live vehicle tracking when you’re away from your phone. The setup process for both is similar, but we’ll be going over the Pro model in this post.

    (130美元):不用说,但是您需要自动适配器。 自动(Automatic)的售价,尽管它没有3G连接,崩溃警报以及当您离开手机时仍可进行实时车辆追踪的功能。 两者的设置过程类似,但是在本文中我们将介绍Pro模型。

  • The Automatic app (/): You can install this app on your phone and track any number of cars remotely. If you’re a parent and you want to monitor your child’s driving, for example, install this on your phone and install the adapter in your child’s car.

    自动应用程序( / ):您可以在手机上安装此应用程序,并远程跟踪任意数量的汽车。 例如,如果您是父母,并且想监视孩子的驾驶,请将其安装在手机上,然后将适配器安装在孩子的汽车上。

  • A car with an OBD-II-compatible port: Most modern cars fall into this category, but it’s worth checking before you buy. All cars sold in the US after 1996 were required to have an OBD-II port. If your vehicle is older than this, it may still have the port, but you should check your individual make and model.

    带有OBD-II兼容端口的汽车大多数现代汽车都属于此类,但在购买前值得检查。 1996年以后在美国销售的所有汽车都必须具有OBD-II端口。 如果您的车辆比这更旧,它可能仍然具有端口,但是您应该检查自己的品牌和型号。

Once you’ve got everything on this list, you’re ready to get started.


如何安装自动专业版 (How to Install the Automatic Pro)

Open the Automatic app on your phone. Don’t plug in your Automatic adapter yet. The first time you open the app, you’ll see a tour of Automatic’s features. At the end, tap Create Account (or Log In if you already have an Automatic account.)

在手机上打开“自动”应用。 请勿插入自动适配器。 首次打开该应用程序时,您会看到自动功能的概览。 最后,点击“创建帐户”(如果已有自动帐户,则单击“登录”。)

Enter your email address and password to log in.


Next, Automatic will ask for permission to use your phone’s location. This is used to find gas stations near you and measure how far away your car is. However, this is not used to locate where your car is, since the adapter can do this on its own.

接下来,自动将询问您使用手机位置的权限。 这用于查找您附近的加油站并测量您的汽车有多远。 但是,由于适配器可以单独执行此操作,因此不能用于定位您的汽车。

Now it’s time to set up a car. Tap the blue “Set Up a Vehicle” button. This is a good time to grab your adapter and head to the car you’re setting up (but don’t plug the adapter in just yet). Tap Continue when you’re in your car.

现在是时候设置汽车了。 点击蓝色的“设置车辆”按钮。 这是抓住适配器并前往要安装的汽车的好时机(但暂时不要插入适配器)。 在车上时,点按继续。

On the back of your Automatic adapter, you should see a six-character code. Enter this on your phone and tap Continue.

在自动适配器的背面,您应该看到一个六个字符的代码。 在手机上输入此内容,然后点击继续。

Automatic will ask you to disable and re-enable Bluetooth to help make sure that your adapter is set up properly. It won’t need Bluetooth during normal operation, but it will connect to your phone when it can to track your car more reliably.

自动将要求您禁用并重新启用蓝牙,以帮助确保正确设置适配器。 在正常运行期间,它不需要蓝牙,但只要可以更可靠地跟踪您的汽车,它将连接到您的手机。

Make sure your car is off and connect the Automatic Pro adapter to your car’s OBD-II port. It’s usually located below the steering wheel on the driver’s side of the car. By law, it must be within two feet of the steering wheel.

确保您的汽车已经关闭,并将Automatic Pro适配器连接到汽车的OBD-II端口。 它通常位于汽车驾驶员侧方向盘下方。 根据法律,它必须在方向盘两英尺以内。

Your adapter should connect to your phone automatically. If there’s an update to the adapter’s firmware (and there probably is), it will download now. Wait for the firmware to install before continuing.

您的适配器应自动连接到手机。 如果适配器的固件有更新(并且可能有),则将立即下载。 等待固件安装,然后继续。

When the update is finished, turn your key to the last position before the ignition starts. For push button cars, keep your foot off the brake and press the button once or twice until the lights in your dashboard come on. This should turn on all the electronics in your car without starting the engine.

更新完成后,将钥匙转到点火开始之前的最后位置。 对于按钮式汽车,请保持脚踩刹车,并按一下按钮一次或两次,直到仪表板上的灯点亮。 这应该在不启动引擎的情况下打开汽车中的所有电子设备。

After Automatic identifies the model of your car, choose what body style and color your car is.


Next, give your car a nickname. This will identify your car if you’re tracking multiple vehicles in the Automatic app.

接下来,给您的汽车起一个昵称。 如果您要在“自动”应用中跟踪多辆汽车,这将识别您的汽车。

Next, you’ll need to set up the Crash Alert service. This is the part of Automatic’s service that will call you and send emergency services if it detects a crash. Tap Continue.

接下来,您需要设置崩溃警报服务。 这是自动服务的一部分,如果检测到崩溃,它将呼叫您并发送紧急服务。 点击继续。

Enter the phone number you would like Automatic to call if it detects a crash. This should be the phone number of whoever’s going to be driving the car the most.

输入您希望自动检测到崩溃的电话号码。 这应该是最开车的人的电话号码。

Next, add up to three emergency contacts. These people will be called after the driver in the event of an accident.

接下来,最多添加三个紧急联系人。 发生事故时,这些人将在驾驶员之后被叫到。

After that, you’re all done! You’ll get a notification on your phone every time your car starts driving or parks, and you can see how long each trip takes, how much gas it took, and where you parked your car.

之后,您就完成了! 每当您的汽车开始行驶或停车时,您都会在电话上收到一条通知,您可以看到每次旅行需要花费多长时间,花费了多少汽油以及您将汽车停在了什么地方。


obd ii 协议


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